Our customers made these suggestions for improving Dabble. Suggestions for improving Dabble.
Timeline Feature
I would love to be able to add one or multiple timelines, so that I can track not only certain events in my story, but also track the timeline of the underlying ...
Family Trees
I would love to be able to add a family tree for each of my characters in my story notes.
More Formatting Options
I would like to have more formatting options to center text and have more control over the output of my manuscript.
Undo/redo button
An undo and redo button to return mistakenly deleted work or fix accidents
Split Screen
For looking at different sections of a scene at same time. Useful when you want to move paragraphs around or check scene's development without having to scroll and ...
Save Projects Locally on Hard Drive
I would like the option to store my projects in a folder I select on my hard drive. This could possibly be done instead of (or in addition to) a download only version.
Version Control
I'm a developer. I love git. I can't help it. The ability to track changes on a scene by scene or page by page level and looking back to see the exact changes is ...
Mind mapping
I would like to arrange my characters or plot points in a mind map like Scapple does.
Track Changes!
It would be amazing to see our edits and revisions. I have always loved this feature cause you can see what you've added over the course of a session.
Also it is ...
Export and Import Plot & Story Notes
I would like to be able to export and import an entire project, not just export the manuscript. I would like to be able to make and restore my own backups or to share ...
Link Characters to Scenes
This could be an awesome feature for when you introduce a character to your reader or main characters!
Grammarly support in web app
I want to use grammarly in the web app.
Different Writing Formats - Short Story, Theatrical Play, Screenplay
I'd like to write my short stories in Dabble. Eventually, I'd love to switch my screenplays/plays from Final Draft to Dabble as well.
Page Numbers
Page numbers, if not in the manuscript itself, down beside the word count.
Set word count goals
I would like to set my own word count goals for a scene, chapter, or novel. I would also like to set word count goals for a given time-frame such as a daily goal, or ...
TOC - Table of contents
An automatic table of contents for parts and chapters (which I use as individual short stories in a collection) with compability of automatic page numbering when ...
typewriter sounds
the typewriter sounds (like those found in calmlywriter.com/online) really help me focus and get into a rhythm and the absence of them in dabble has made me less ...
Export to epub
I want to export to epub for publishing
Deeper Project Structuring
As a writer of series and/or multiple stories in the same world I'd like the ability to keep all my books together with my world notes etc without having a clutter of ...
Mark Scenes as Draft or Complete
When working on a project, I would like a way to quickly visually identify which scenes have been finished and which scenes are still in progress. Ideally, they would ...
Auto-Capitalization at the Beginning of Sentences
It would be wonderful to have auto capitalization at the beginning of each sentence. It makes it much easier to just write and not worry about editing.
Font Colors
I would like to change text colors as a way to label sections of text for coming back to later to change.
Import Options
I would like to import an existing novel from Google Docs or Scrivener.
Dedication, Acknowledgments, and About the Author Pages
Have the ability to insert an assigned page for your dedication, acknowledgments, and your "About The Author" statement/picture
Add functionality to create multiple note cards per scene in Scene Notes panel
While I'm writing a scene, I keep wanting to add more notes to the Scene Notes without having to open the modal. As a visual person, I feel like it would be more ...
Export to Kindle
I want to be able to export to ebook and kindle store.
Desktop-only Version
I would like a 1-time purchase desktop only version of Dabble. I am not interested in a web version or storing my novel in the cloud.
Add scenes to plot grid
I want to add the scene list to the plot grid after I've already created it.
Book Layout View
I'd like to see and edit my manuscript as it would look in a physical book to get an idea of how many pages I'm at.
Project Sorting
The master project page just lists all the projects that have been entered. A method to sort these projects, either grouping similar projects or just the option to ...
Linking within Dabble
Awesome to link to sections within your project so you know where you're referencing/where to follow up.
Offline version/availability
I am often somewhere where i don't have internet or have very bad internet or internet that costs me a lot of money. It would be great to be able to work offline. Not ...
Turn off Negative Word Count
Have the ability to turn off having words you delete count against your daily goal. If I am editing, I am more concerned with removing poor word choices than I am ...
Statistics for a project
Be able to see the full stats for a project. Date started, timeline of words written, date finished, commonly used words, best writing days, etc.
Word Count for Week, Month and Year
I'd like to be able to look at my word count progress on a weekly or monthly basis for individual projects, and for all projects on the main page.
Currently, you ...
Main Page - Folders
I would love to see folders on the main story page, not just within individual stories. It would be so much more organized than all the stories just thrown on there ...
Prologue, Epilogue, Table of Contents
Prologue, Epilogue, Table of Contents, maybe a page for copyright info and author info
Auto-correct like in Word
Should capitalize the first letter of a sentence and auto-correct spelling mistakes like cant to can't.
Ability to export your manuscript document to a PDF file
So when you hit the 3 dots in the corner of your manuscript, there are options to export your manuscript to word and a text file. But it would also be helpful if ...
pop up character info
I'd like it if I could see my character notes whilst I'm writing, either by them being able to pop up and move around like a sticky note, or by being able to view ...
Scene List/Plot Lines as Timeline
It would be nice to be able to add Date Time possible setting to the plot grid scenes and the ability to change the scene listing to be at the top so it looks more ...
Voice typing
I would like the option to use talk to text. With carpal tunnel and arthritis flare ups, it can be really challenging to type for long periods. A voice typing ...
Carry characters over to next book
For those of us that write a series, being able to carry specific characters and locations over to our next book would be amazing. No one has this capability yet and ...
Under consideration
Introduction Video to how Dabble works and Video Tutorials
videos of how Dabble is set out, what every thing means and how it can be used to help a writer.
For any given section, I sometimes have a To-Do list (i.e. 'make this more about character A instead of character b', 'rewrite dialog,' etc.). Right now I put this in ...
I know that Dabble is a novel app, and this might be too much for what is supposed to be a nice simple novel app. But I think it'd be cool to be able to choose a ...
Folders in the Recent Project View
I would like to see a way to create folders in the Recent Projects view when you start Dabble. This would allow the user to store projects based on genre and/or ...
Non-Fiction Writing Features
Features to benefit a variety of genres:
1. Citations (Footnotes, endnotes)
2. Markup ability within the Manuscript editor (there is already Markup ability in the ...
Zoom in / out and Fit to Width
Although one can increase Chrome's zoom, it would be nice to have a native zoom in and out feature. I would especially find very useful to fit the width of the page ...