Our customers made these suggestions for improving Dabble. Suggestions for improving Dabble.
Set word count goals
I would like to set my own word count goals for a scene, chapter, or novel. I would also like to set word count goals for a given time-frame such as a daily goal, or ...
Turn off Negative Word Count
Have the ability to turn off having words you delete count against your daily goal. If I am editing, I am more concerned with removing poor word choices than I am ...
Statistics for a project
Be able to see the full stats for a project. Date started, timeline of words written, date finished, commonly used words, best writing days, etc.
Word Count for Week, Month and Year
I'd like to be able to look at my word count progress on a weekly or monthly basis for individual projects, and for all projects on the main page.
Currently, you ...
Writing sprints Tracker time goals/word goals
Though there are other websites I can use to do sprints, I would like everything in one browser.
Focus Feature that prevents editing and only shows each letter you type.
The writer sets a word goal for that session. Then it won't let you edit until you've hit the mark. Backspace triggers a buzzer to remind you to go forward not back. ...
Central Calendar With Word Count Breakdowns & Daily Totals Across All Projects
I would like a word count calendar where you can view all your individual word count progress across all projects plus a daily total for all projects, monthly totals ...
Wordcount added to scene cards/chapter cards/part cards, in the plot grid and folder dropdown list.
There are several other wordcount requests, but I think mine is slightly different, so I've added it here:
It would be great if we could see on both the plot grid ...
Time Spent Writing/Editing
I think a timer that calculates how long you've spent writing each day and then a timer that calculates how long you have spent on that specific project would be ...
Daily word count displayed without having to set a project goal
I would really like a way to have the "written today" count displayed for a project without having to set an overall word count goal for that project. A lot of my ...
Total page count
Is there a way, or could there be, for me to get a page count or word count for where I am in the manuscript? For instance if I'm on page 76, or 37,000 words in.
Compare Stats by Scene/Chapter
It would be nice to see how many words are in each scene or chapter and we can have word goals for that.
Pomodoro type timer
A pomodoro type timer
More Statistics
I'd love to be able to view my writing statistics more in-depth. It would be awesome to see word-count graphs for hours (when am I at my most productive?), months, ...
Plotting Cards - Word Count goal per scene on scene card
Can you add the goal (and word count) to the card? (Also percentage, see my prior request. (Sorry, can't get back into that request, and I forgot to include the goal ...
Goal Met pop up auto fade
Currently, when you reach your word count for the day it gives a pop up with congratulations, but if you're writing and not staring at your screen or paying attention ...
Goals other than word count
features that might include chapter goals, scene goals, goals for editing that don't necessarily constitute a word count when editing or rewriting.
An option to have word count only apply to chapters or scenes
Please make an option to have word counts apply to only scenes or chapters. I've noticed if I write in Worldbuilding or Create a note to describe a character my count ...
Custom Goals
I'd love the ability to set custom wordcount goals for each day instead of only having the option of a goal determined by total words divided by days until due date.
Page Count in Goals
Hey there. So, I know that we can have a word count daily goal that we can set and that's great. However, I would really like to be able to set and track a page count ...
sync multiple NaNoWriMo projects
I've got two NaNo projects, writing both in Dabble, and it'd be nice to sync them both automatically, rather than choosing one and manually updating the other. :)
Add Total Daily/monthly/lifetime Word Count Across all Projects
Have the option to view not only your story/scene/chapter word counts within the document, but have a counter which gives you your counts for everything you've ...
Total word count for all projects on Recent Projects page
I would like to get an overall word count on the Recent Projects landing page without having to go into each project and calculate the total from there.
Daily Word Countdown
I love that we have our daily word count goal, but when I look up to see how many words I have left, I have to use math (*scream*) in my HEAD (*louder scream*) to ...
Year round nano site logging
The Nano site has the capability to run projects year round and I was hoping that dabble would be able to connect to the nano site for auto logging year round as ...
Possibility for notifications on the App on how close you are to word goal for the day
Like on my fitbit it notify me when I haven´t reached the 250 steps planned that hour. It Could be great with a notification popping up on my app once a day (would be ...
Time Goals
Similar to the word count goal feature request, but for things like editing and rewrites, which can't effectively be tracked by number of words added.
Turn off or de-prioritize word count goal achieved notification
I love tracking my word count goal daily, but I HATE (**HATE**) when I'm in the middle of a sentence and the little window pops up to tell me I reached my goal. It ...
Change How Word Count is Calculated
Currently if I write ANYTHING in the project, that counts towards WC.
This includes notes, background information, ANYTHING. If I write 1000 words about what I WANT ...
Plotting cards - Tracking by Percent of total words
This is really a double request - Your plot cards feature is amazing - nobody else is doing this like you are. To make it more amazing - could you add the scene & ...
Reverse NaNoWriMo Goal Tracker
For NaNoWriMo, I think it would be great to be able to track the reverse NaNo goals. Instead of 1667 words a day, reverse NaNo starts with 3,346 words on the first ...
Project screen goal tracking
Display 30 day, daily writing, and overall word count goal progress for each project on the project screen to view at a glance. Would be useful for people with ...
Option to keep word count visible in focus mode
I’d like the option to be able to see my word count even when in focus mode, but with the option to turn it off when not needed.
Word count
I'd like the word count and scene cards to have an option to stay there. (You can pick if you want to see it or not). It annoys me that they're either not there or ...
Nanowrimo word count updater
Can the time on when words are updated be altered to like maybe every 1 minute, or 3 minutes or something? I accidentally pasted text into my project (fat fingered ...
Allow us to change the time our daily goal resets
I work mainly at night and it's frustrating when my daily goal resets 1/3 of the way through my evening. I don't see the option to change my time zone either so that ...
Total Word Count Displayed on Frame of All Composition Windows
Going back and forth from the novel folder to get the total word count can be distracting. I just want to see what my total is from anywhere instead of having to go ...
A daily writing streak that would provide extra motivation for us to reach our goals. A bit of gamification, or like the Todoist Karma option. Goes a long way.
Editing statistics for loading new projects
I am loading a lot of projects I have been working on for months into Dabble, and so the program thinks I started them all today, and gives me the statistics for ...
Redesign Goal Celebration (no more click box)
Maybe do a fun celebration overlay for the whole screen upon daily and project word count goal completion. Perhaps a whole screen overlay that will appear, animate on ...
Habit-oriented word count goals
Being able to set daily minimum word count goals. For example, writing 200 words a day 15 days in a row for writers that want to make daily writing a habit.
Global Goalsetting
I would like to be able to set all my existing projects as word count sources for my goals.
Time Zones
I would like the ability to set a timezone for word goal purposes.