Turn off Negative Word Count
Have the ability to turn off having words you delete count against your daily goal. If I am editing, I am more concerned with removing poor word choices than I am about word count, but I may still want to track how many new words I create for something like Nanowrimo. The word count itself is less important than the work, but I should be able to decide if I want my deleted words to count against me. otherwise, I spend a great deal of my time sitting at a word count of 1 because I just deleted 10 words and only replaced it with 9.
Comments: 9
01 Nov, '18
MadelineYes please! I know that for the final NaNo verification of 50,000 words we can copy-paste in text from elsewhere. The ability to toggle on-and-off between cumulative words and actual word count would be AMAZING and so motivating!!
The official NaNo rules are fuzzy on this - I've talked to a few write-in groups who count all "creative" work towards their 50,000 word count goal.
https://nanowrimo.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/329552-do-i-have-to-start-my-novel-from-scratch-on-the-fi -
28 Oct, '19
PurI just made the realisation this morning that this is a deal-breaker for me for NaNo and was crushed. I want so badly to use Dabble but I shouldn't get punished for having a process which includes editing while also producing new words.
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28 Feb, '20
MattWord. No pun intended. I'm loving Dabble more than any other writing software, but having this tiny, little, itty-bitty functionality would be huge on many levels. Thanks!
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22 Apr, '22
AmandaYes I hate this if I delete a paragraph and rewrite another one I get penalized
20 Jun, '22
SukiYes this would be amazing! If I'm working on a new idea it would be awesome to not have it count against me when I need to delete chapters at a time. As a panster this would be amazing and really help me stay motivated.
11 Sep, '22
Arianna PajtashYeah, I liked the possibility of linking to NaNo and tried it for Camp in July this year but quickly found out that the negative word count messed with the counts and everything and had to turn it off.
01 May, '23
KaylaYes! I was actually just coming here to say the same thing. I have a weekly writing goal of 1000 words. Well, over the weekend I wrote almost 5000 words, because rewrote two chapters. But when I deleted the old versions, I ended up with only having written 100 words total, because it was counting the old versions I deleted against me. It makes it really difficult to track how much I've written. Adding just this one thing would help so much.
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10 Sep, '24
HollisI finally bit the bullet this morning and copied all of my world building notes into "Characters" so they would not count toward my project total. I made each world building topic a new character and cut and pasted words from Story Notes, which i will not use again. (Which is a pity...) So I have a huge negative word count for today. I will also move many scene notes into this character section. Apparently because my manuscript is a "project", it counts everything except character notes. I really had a struggle finding help with this and still don't understand why my Story Notes count toward word count. Before I finish this huge negative day, I'll go through my scene notes at the top of each scene and see what i can move, too, so I am not faced again with such a huge deficit.
25 Oct, '24
Big EdnaExactly! The way I write is frequently using old scenes or snippets to craft a new scene and when I'm done, I frequently delete the old scene. It's so disheartening to write 1000 words and have my total for the day be only 300 because I finally got rid of the extra words I don't need anymore.
Net vs Gross wordcount, please!