Our customers made these suggestions for improving Dabble. Suggestions for improving Dabble.
Save Projects Locally on Hard Drive
I would like the option to store my projects in a folder I select on my hard drive. This could possibly be done instead of (or in addition to) a download only version.
Export and Import Plot & Story Notes
I would like to be able to export and import an entire project, not just export the manuscript. I would like to be able to make and restore my own backups or to share ...
Export to epub
I want to export to epub for publishing
Import Options
I would like to import an existing novel from Google Docs or Scrivener.
Export to Kindle
I want to be able to export to ebook and kindle store.
Book Layout View
I'd like to see and edit my manuscript as it would look in a physical book to get an idea of how many pages I'm at.
Ability to export your manuscript document to a PDF file
So when you hit the 3 dots in the corner of your manuscript, there are options to export your manuscript to word and a text file. But it would also be helpful if ...
Scrivener Import
It'd be awesome to be able to more or less wholesale import a Scrivener project in order to full migrate to Dabble.
Import from Word
I know you can export to Word but what if you made changes on Word that you want to import into Dabble?
Export to vellum
Similar to what Scrivener just launched. https://www.literatureandlatte.com/export-to-vellum This would be awesome. As a test I did an export to word, import to ...
Ability to Import PDF files into notes
Some of my sources are only in PDF form and it would be really cool if I could just import them in without having to type the entire document
Option to Export with Comments to Word
While exporting the whole manuscript to Word (or parts) works really well, I would like to have an option to export the comments and the text to Word. That way, if ...
Export to Scrivener
I like to do some simple work in Dabble them move to Scrivener for more complex work and my editing. It would be good if you could allow export to Scrivener.
Export to Markdown
Markdown is my preferred writing format. For writing fiction John Gruber's markdown format should more than suffice. So chapter titles would map to heading1 (#) and ...
Import characters/notes
Hi, I think it would be useful to import characters from other projects and also worlds and cities I've planned in other projects. I know you can copy and paste, but ...
Allow me to pre-fill in the author information before export so I don't have to do it every time.
Also add the ability to specify a word count, chapter count, or page count to export. The reason: When I am submitting to an agent I want to keep track of the ...
More exporting and saving options
I have just joined Dabble and love what I have seen so far. I can say that I would love to see more exporting or saving options. Exporting to text files or Word ...
Ink to Text
It would be nice to have ink to text feature. I'm a writer who prefers to write things down as opposed to typing my work as I go. I honestly can't get out of the ...
Literary Agent Query Export Tool
Novel-writers must often prepare packages for literary agent queries comprising "the first five pages," "the first ten pages," "first three chapters," etc. of a ...
Auto export Word or RTF file to computer
I'd love to be able to set the system to automatically export a Word file to a chosen folder on my computer when I close. I try to remember to export a local Word ...
Book Design
Chapter pages, design formatting such as Ch headers, ability to fully integrate and complete the entire book- from the story to the design of the book- and then ...
Ability to Record/Import audio files
I often pull up the voice recorder app and think out loud, and later transcribe whatever voice note I take. I find that speaking out loud allows an idea to snowball ...
Export include Scene names
When exporting to word the scene names aren't included.
export to all major file types
Export to pdf, pub, and word and maintain formatting. Also add formatting options such as cover, page design, fonts, spacing, etc. Atticus is planning on becoming a ...
Import Chapter
As someone who exports in word to edit and iron out the creases that grammarly doesn't pick up. I'd love an import feature that is kind of like Scrivener. That way I ...
Handwriting Capabilities
I have a very hard time writing if I am typing the original draft, but I don't have the rest of the functionality of Dabble when I'm handwriting things. I can stay ...
Import Markdown
Dabble already supports pasting Markdown into a story note. Why not allow the user to paste an entire Markdown-formatted manuscript into a project and Dabble ...
Export to RTF
I'd love an option to export to rich text so that I can export my manuscript with formatting, without having to use Word.
Export from mobile app
I love the mobile app. I wish I could export items from it. Sending my work to Word or text docs while on the go would be amazing!