Suggestions for improving Dabble.

More Formatting Options

I would like to have more formatting options to center text and have more control over the output of my manuscript.
Suggested by: Jacob from Dabble (30 Nov, '17) Upvoted: today Comments: 98
Under consideration Editing

Undo/redo button

An undo and redo button to return mistakenly deleted work or fix accidents
Suggested by: Mia (03 Jan, '18) Upvoted: today Comments: 63
Planned Editing

Version Control

I'm a developer. I love git. I can't help it. The ability to track changes on a scene by scene or page by page level and looking back to see the exact changes is ...
Suggested by: AJ Hunter (01 Dec, '17) Upvoted: today Comments: 32
Planned Editing

Track Changes!

It would be amazing to see our edits and revisions. I have always loved this feature cause you can see what you've added over the course of a session. Also it is ...
Suggested by: Maya Pozzolo (14 Jan, '18) Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 8
Planned Editing

Grammarly support in web app

I want to use grammarly in the web app.
Suggested by: Jacob from Dabble (30 Nov, '17) Upvoted: today Comments: 16
Under consideration Editing

Different Writing Formats - Short Story, Theatrical Play, Screenplay

I'd like to write my short stories in Dabble. Eventually, I'd love to switch my screenplays/plays from Final Draft to Dabble as well.
Suggested by: Amanda Sowards (09 Dec, '17) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 22
Under consideration Editing Organization

Page Numbers

Page numbers, if not in the manuscript itself, down beside the word count.
Suggested by: Constance (07 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 18
Under consideration Editing User Interface

typewriter sounds

the typewriter sounds (like those found in really help me focus and get into a rhythm and the absence of them in dabble has made me less ...
Suggested by: lee (01 Dec, '17) Upvoted: today Comments: 7
Under consideration Editing

Mark Scenes as Draft or Complete

When working on a project, I would like a way to quickly visually identify which scenes have been finished and which scenes are still in progress. Ideally, they would ...
Suggested by: Christie Jennings-Wyckoff (08 Oct, '19) Upvoted: 12 Feb Comments: 11
Under consideration Editing Plotting

Auto-Capitalization at the Beginning of Sentences

It would be wonderful to have auto capitalization at the beginning of each sentence. It makes it much easier to just write and not worry about editing.
Suggested by: Maya (15 Dec, '17) Upvoted: today Comments: 12
Under consideration Editing

Font Colors

I would like to change text colors as a way to label sections of text for coming back to later to change.
Suggested by: Jacob from Dabble (30 Nov, '17) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 16
Under consideration Editing

Book Layout View

I'd like to see and edit my manuscript as it would look in a physical book to get an idea of how many pages I'm at.
Suggested by: Matilda Koli (04 Jul, '18) Upvoted: 29 Jan Comments: 4
Under consideration Editing Import/Export User Interface

Linking within Dabble

Awesome to link to sections within your project so you know where you're referencing/where to follow up.
Suggested by: Sunny J. Reed (01 Dec, '17) Upvoted: 12 Feb Comments: 8
Under consideration Editing Plotting Story Notes

Auto-correct like in Word

Should capitalize the first letter of a sentence and auto-correct spelling mistakes like cant to can't.
Suggested by: Jacob from Dabble (30 Nov, '17) Upvoted: 20 Jan Comments: 11
Under consideration Editing

Voice typing

I would like the option to use talk to text. With carpal tunnel and arthritis flare ups, it can be really challenging to type for long periods. A voice typing ...
Suggested by: Melissa Hudson Hall (19 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 05 Feb Comments: 7
Under consideration Editing User Interface


I know that Dabble is a novel app, and this might be too much for what is supposed to be a nice simple novel app. But I think it'd be cool to be able to choose a ...
Suggested by: Chels (30 Jun, '18) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 4
Under consideration Editing

Non-Fiction Writing Features

Features to benefit a variety of genres: 1. Citations (Footnotes, endnotes) 2. Markup ability within the Manuscript editor (there is already Markup ability in the ...
Suggested by: JordanH (27 Oct, '18) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 11
Under consideration Editing

Footnote / Endnote Creation

After highlighting text, the context menu could also contain a FN button alongside the Bold and Quote buttons. In export, Dabble could allow the user to choose ...
Suggested by: JordanH (24 Oct, '18) Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 12
Under consideration Editing

Sharing Option

You could share your writing pieces with your friends by typing in their email. If someone shared something with you, you wouldn't be able to copy or paste it. You ...
Suggested by: GravitySeeker23 (16 Oct, '18) Upvoted: 16 Jan Comments: 10
Under consideration Editing

Dialogue Focus

A feature allowing the writer to focus on the dialogue of their work. All the text surrounding the character’s speech could fade to gray allowing ...
Suggested by: Ashley Gardiner (12 Jul, '20) Upvoted: 17 Jan Comments: 2
Under consideration Editing User Interface

Underline text

I want to be able to underline text in my manuscript.
Suggested by: Jacob from Dabble (30 Nov, '17) Upvoted: 11 Dec, '24 Comments: 10
Under consideration Editing

Ability to dismiss grammar warnings so that they permanently save as dismissed.

Right now, when a user dismisses a grammar warning, it reappears whenever the sentence is edited. It would be nice to be able to save the original dismissal so that ...
Suggested by: Damon (11 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 01 Feb Comments: 9
Under consideration Editing

Alignment Feature

Ability to align left, right, and center.
Suggested by: Mel C (03 May, '18) Upvoted: 08 Nov, '24 Comments: 3
Under consideration Editing

Add the Grammarly Add-in to the Desktop Version

Microsoft Office 365 lets you choose the option to add ProWritiingAid and Grammarly. I would like to see Grammarly added please, to the desktop version.
Suggested by: Morgan (22 Mar, '19) Upvoted: 08 Nov, '24 Comments: 4
Under consideration Editing

I need to be able to use two different fonts

I need to use a different font for my character's split personality. Am absolutely gutted I can't do this in Dabble, it's a key feature for my book so I'm going to ...
Suggested by: Jo (06 Oct, '20) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 3
Under consideration Editing

Conlang Dictionary

Have a dictionary for constructed languages. Maybe it could act as a lite translator as well.
Suggested by: J M Tuckerman (02 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 01 Feb Comments: 0
Under consideration Editing

Drag & drop text editing

Highlight and drag text for ease of editing (instead of cut & paste). Also, grabbing a space when highlighting a word, in both drag & drop and cut & paste.
Suggested by: Andrea (05 Nov, '20) Upvoted: 10 Jan Comments: 5
Under consideration Editing

Write in Markdown (no GUI)

I write in Markdown. I use **bold** and _italics_ by default and if I need a smaller heading I use ## Heading. It'd be nice if those things changed formatting as I ...
Suggested by: AJ Hunter (01 Dec, '17) Upvoted: 06 Apr, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Editing

Word search

I see that I've spelled Momma and Mama throughout the manuscript. I'd love to be able to search and fix all of them to be consistent.
Suggested by: PAT (10 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 29 Feb, '24 Comments: 4
Under consideration Editing

Full access to/for ProWritingAid

So if you have a full PWA account you can use all the PWA features from within Dabble ...
Suggested by: Bryce Wilby (20 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 09 Mar, '24 Comments: 4
Under consideration Editing

Tag Characters or World elements in scenes

Have the ability to ‘tag’ characters or world building elements in scenes and have the relevant information box appear on the right-hand-side to easily reference and ...
Suggested by: Helen Green (02 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 24 Apr, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Editing Story Notes

Add a Editing Feature where I can put it in edit mode

As a user, I want the ability to put the scene in edit mode and see my words 'before' and 'after.'
Suggested by: Michelle Albanese (04 Nov, '20) Upvoted: 14 Jul, '24 Comments: 4
Under consideration Editing


The ability to place a bookmark in the area of the novel that is being reviewed / edited, so you can get right back to that specific location with a single click. ...
Suggested by: Rowan (04 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 08 Nov, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Editing Organization

I would like to have special characters

I would like to be able to have a selection of special characters on letters for words from different languages, like ', ~ , etc but actually attached to the letters. ...
Suggested by: Alanna F. (20 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 24 Jan Comments: 1
Under consideration Editing

Auto capitalization of I

Suggested by: Jay (17 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 08 Nov, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Editing

Three very "connected" suggestions related to editing and revising manuscripts

From what I can see right now dabble is only really excellent for planning your manuscript and writing your very first 'rough draft.' In order to be able to truly ...
Suggested by: John W Halko Jr. (21 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 05 Jan, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Editing

Once we hit Dismiss it stays Dismissed

Whenever I am writing and something pops up that I don't want to change, I hit Dismiss. But after I write a bit more the same thing pops up and it won't go away. It ...
Suggested by: Lacey Gordon (12 Oct, '20) Upvoted: 08 Nov, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Editing User Interface


Footnotes to serve as translations of foreign words used in text, my book is multilingual and it would help to have it.
Suggested by: Y.G. Garcia (08 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 17 Oct, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Editing

Option to turn off Passive Verb Notice

It would be fantastic if there were an option to take out the flag in the editor about marking "passive verbs."
Suggested by: Stormy Stevens (07 Nov, '20) Upvoted: 24 Jul, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Editing

Ability to highlight and drag text to move it (like in Word)

It would be smashing to be able to highlight and drag text, rather than using cut and paste (and less risk of forgetting and losing aforementioned cut text)
Suggested by: JENNIE MCLEAN (16 Oct, '20) Upvoted: 23 Sep, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Editing

A "continue where you left off" feature.

Like continue from the last word you wrote, it would help a lot with editing and even general writing.
Suggested by: Halnevsa (13 Aug, '21) Upvoted: 13 Jul, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Editing


I would love some way to distinguish one official draft from another, but in the same project. To be able to start a new draft with all my notes, plot points, and ...
Suggested by: Allan Jay Eames (24 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 23 Aug, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Editing

replace lowercase i with I

I type pretty fast and sometimes I don't always hit the shift key at the right time, so I end up with a lot of i, i'm and i've in my manuscript. Any chance of making ...
Suggested by: sharks (30 Sep, '19) Upvoted: 08 Nov, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Editing


It would be great to allow for hyperlinks in the text.
Suggested by: Em Arkay (26 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 27 Feb, '23 Comments: 3
Under consideration Editing

The ability to prewrite scenes and add them to the manuscript at will.

I think it would be useful to have a side bar where you can pre write scenes that you have a lot of inspiration for and then add them into your story later.
Suggested by: Chloe (20 Nov, '20) Upvoted: 31 Jul, '22 Comments: 2
Under consideration Editing

Correct all, Instead of one at a time

I wish there was a correct all button to push instead of having to do the same correction separately. For example. I pretty much trust Dabble when it comes to adding ...
Suggested by: Hev J (06 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 04 Feb, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Editing Integrations

Improve Style and Grammar checking

Need a better system, it's making weird suggestions, that often don't make sense, and not catching the things that do need to be changed.
Suggested by: Jorden (28 Jul, '20) Upvoted: 21 Dec, '24 Comments: 3
Under consideration Editing

Highlight Locater or Search Highlight Color

I would like to not only see a "highlight" ability, in multiple color options, but a "search for color" also. Example: Character A's dialogue may need improving ...
Suggested by: Kitinuum (25 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 12 Feb, '22 Comments: 2
Under consideration Editing

Search and sort

I have many small stories, that I am moving to Dabble because of several features, mainly the plot grids, and would love to be able to search through my projects by a ...
Suggested by: TaderBug (14 Mar, '21) Upvoted: 23 Aug, '22 Comments: 1
Under consideration Editing

Word/sentence Search

Sometimes I change things. A character's name and I need to find it easily and change it manually for every time its types. Or I need to find this one particular ...
Suggested by: Roux (27 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 23 Nov, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Editing