Auto-correct like in Word
Should capitalize the first letter of a sentence and auto-correct spelling mistakes like cant to can't.
Comments: 11
02 Aug, '18
KiddHonestly, I'd rather Dabble didn't do this, or that there would be an option to switch this off. It's incredibly frustrating when I'm using Word or PowerPoint and I'm trying to stylize something in a deliberate fashion, only to have Office pat me on the head and say
"No, you silly goose. What you MEANT to say was this." -
31 Oct, '18
GayleDisagree. As a fantasy writer, Autocorrect is rarely my friend. I also really appreciate the lack of red scribbles beneath my words. I feel like Dabble is designed to help you get your words down and help keep a story organized. But it is not an editing program, and I don't know if it needs to be.
15 Nov, '18
Corinne ClarkI customize auto-correct to streamline typing words or long phrases I use a lot in my project. For example, my protagonist's name is Charlotte, so in Word I customized my auto-correct settings to replace Cht with Charlotte. Also, I frequently use "Grimshaw's Mourning Warehouse" in my story, so I use "GMW" in that case and it automatically replaces those three letters with "Grimshaw's Mourning Warehouse". It saves me time and is one of my favourite features in Word.
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12 Aug, '19
Karen Evelynas long as I can turn it off.
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09 Nov, '19
KeiraFor the love of sanity, please don't do this unless there's a way to turn it off. Other writing apps have this enabled by default and you can't get rid of it, which can be _really_ frustrating.
08 May, '20
ClintonI agree with others. If you do add this, please make a way to turn it off.
04 Nov, '21
saraI would find it so much easier to write if there was an auto-correct option but it should definitely be something that you can turn off for the sake of those who dont want it.
07 Jan, '22
dennisMy eye sight is poor and I miss spelling mis stakes, so an on/off switch would very usfull.
10 Feb, '24
maxPlease don't. It would allow for thos of us who like to use another language to use it without being impatiently corrected.
29 Nov, '24
LisaJust do it with the option to turn it off. Otherwise, Dabble is a book organiser, not a writing app. Dabble is for those who type well. I'll have to write on a word processor then cut and paste. I understand ppl make up words and use different languages - just give it an on/off switch. I can only assume you don't have it because it's too expensive to implement.
13 Dec, '24
Marilyn AlmPerhaps not a complete "auto-correct," since auto-correct can be really stupid at times. But at least a "substitutions," which would allow typing "Desiree" and having it changed to a specified mod of "Désirée." Stopping to hunt up those dratted Alt codes really breaks the creative flow.