Our customers made these suggestions for improving Dabble. Suggestions for improving Dabble.
Family Trees
I would love to be able to add a family tree for each of my characters in my story notes.
Linking within Dabble
Awesome to link to sections within your project so you know where you're referencing/where to follow up.
pop up character info
I'd like it if I could see my character notes whilst I'm writing, either by them being able to pop up and move around like a sticky note, or by being able to view ...
World building
I would like some world building options. Being able to use drop down menus, pictures, and even a questionnaire would help tremendously. Same with Character building. ...
Allow Notes in the Manuscript
Sometimes I like to brainstorm about a chapter or scene before I actually write it. Currently, I add a scene at the beginning of the chapter titled NOTES. However, ...
Reminder Notes
Something like the scene cards but perpetual notes per project. For example. While I'm doing my rewrite I want to be cognizant of the fact that my character speaks ...
Format Options
I'd like to be able to select the format of each of my notes rather than have one overall setting. For example in some notes I'd like to be able to have single-space, ...
Tag Characters or World elements in scenes
Have the ability to ‘tag’ characters or world building elements in scenes and have the relevant information box appear on the right-hand-side to easily reference and ...
Story Board
for animation or screen writing Basic Who ? Where? Action? Dialogue?
maybe ability to upload a picture into each frame
Character and Place Cards
I would love to be able to put my characters and information on different places in my world on notecards similar to the cards used in the storyboard feature. Then ...
Pin board
Hello, I really like having a visual-pinboard to put all of my story pics. It's really a great way to visualize the story and my characters as I create the ...
Make notes interchangeable from Plot or Scenes and be able to move it to Chapter
It would be nice to be able to take some portion of the notes or plot cards and be able to place them into other folders.
Web clipper and research sysem
Research is important for believable stories, also for non-fiction writers. A section dedicated to research tools, clippings from web article and eventually video ...
Upload pics of my scribbles
I use notebooks, napkins, envelopes, and other random pieces of paper when ideas strike (even used a kid's menu with crayon once). My barely legible scribbles are ...
Map Making Feature
A way to make a map for a fictional world in Dabble.
A scratch-pad type note function within the manuscript beside each chapter
I would love to be able to create a note from the Chapter Actions drop-down menu that would let me summarize the content of the chapter. It would be great if it could ...
Printable Story Notes & Plots
This would be handy if struggling with a portion of the story and you simply needed to print and lay things out to work through it. Sometimes being hands on is better.
Saving names of people to thank!
I would love to see, perhaps under the STORY NOTES section, a place to make a list of all the people I want to thank at the end of my book. Often, at the end of a ...
Importing Your Own Templetes
I have templetes for characters and plotting that I like to use and it would be nice if I could keep them stored in Dabble so I can have them when I need to use them.
Visual Map Planner
Something simple like a customizable bubble graph of a map would be very useful in world building.
subject line for this request - character development
I have been doing descriptions of characters and these cards wind up as plot points and chapters, and are actually lost because of not having a place to file ...
Auto-update of File Type
When creating a hierarchy of folders and notes (under Story Notes), it would be really useful if you could change a folder to a note or a note to a folder without ...
Sticky note plot board
I use sticky notes a lot while planning and outlining my stories, and I think it would be really neat if we were able to make a sticky not plot board. Preferably with ...