Font Colors
I would like to change text colors as a way to label sections of text for coming back to later to change.
Comments: 16
16 Feb, '20
Bonnie MergedVarious colored texts for use during editing and such.
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17 Feb, '20
Jacob from Dabble Admin"Colored Text" (suggested by Bonnie on 2020-02-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Jan, '21
Anna MergedI would like to be able to change my text to different colors or highlight them so that I can keep track of sentences that I would like to come back to and reword.
23 Jan, '21
JohnBredesen Admin"changing text color" (suggested by Anna on 2021-01-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Feb, '21
Gaynor MergedI would like to be able to note key points within a paragraph to refer back to. In Microsot Word I would tend to use a change of font colour to of quickly or a highlight color to match to another area of text in a different chapter to check consistency
05 Feb, '21
JohnBredesen Admin"change of font colour and highlighter" (suggested by Gaynor on 2021-02-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Feb, '21
JohnBredesen Admin"Add colour so that you can mark a para that needs deleting or to mark the spot where you left off." (suggested by Gillian Wills on 2021-02-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Mar, '21
AndyHighlighting would be extremely useful for me.
11 Apr, '21
SusanThe inability to change text colors was almost a deal breaker for me. I have always relied on this feature heavily. It took me taking a few days and comparing Dabble Writer to other programs to come back (for what it's worth, I came back for the awesome plotting tools!).
30 Jul, '21
DorineCan we make this happen. I use color fonts to help me make changes in my text. This is a very useful tool when it comes to editing.
20 Aug, '21
Nicole PascuaAllowing writers the option to highlight or change font colors is a basic feature that should be made available in any writing application. It helps in the creative and editing process.
20 Feb, '22
sylvia MergedEspecially if co authoring. Differentiates updates and input from eac h other.
20 Feb, '22
JohnBredesen Admin"a choice of text colours. In fact more flexibility with text altogether" (suggested by sylvia on 2022-02-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Apr, '22
Arianna PajtashBeing able to change colored fonts would be really useful for helping me track how much I've written in a day/month when I'm working on an already started project for NaNo or Camp NaNo.
04 Jun, '22
LBHaving the ability to change font colors in the notes sections would be very useful in the plotting/planning processes.
02 Apr, '23
HemingwayGreeneYes, a small selection of different font colours, especially electric-green imo - similar to the font used on web-based writing software Internet Writer - would be really helpful.