typewriter sounds
the typewriter sounds (like those found in calmlywriter.com/online) really help me focus and get into a rhythm and the absence of them in dabble has made me less likely to use it.
Comments: 7
06 Dec, '17
SharadaDefinitely agree. There's something so calming about typewriter sounds (the electronic typewriter sounds for me, but classic works well too). It's kind of like a subtle reminder of "I'm writing" that keeps me going and keeps me thinking.
08 Nov, '18
MichelleYes, the other day I was using WriteMonkey for the typing sounds, then copy/pasted things back to Dabble.
15 Nov, '18
AeriaThere's an app called NoisyTyper (on Mac) that I use... but integrating it could be great :D
24 Sep, '19
KenI am ok with this as long as it is a feature that can be turned on and off. To me, it would be distracting, but I can see how it would help some people.
05 Oct, '20
KitinuumI agree. Sometimes the noise is almost hypnotic and pulls me into the work. I agree with Ken, some days I'd like the choice to change or silence the feature!
02 Dec, '20
GregoryIf you are Windows user, install Mechvibes for the typewriter sounds. It is free, open-source, and works in any app. I use it all the time with Dabble and it works great! I enjoy how it gives me a nice rhythm to my writing.
18 Mar, '24
Jason J TylerA lot of writers find typewriter sounds soothing and encouraging. I am one of those writers. The sounds of a typewriter urges me to write faster and faster. I just love it!