Main Page - Folders
I would love to see folders on the main story page, not just within individual stories. It would be so much more organized than all the stories just thrown on there and arranged in the last opened.
Comments: 18
24 Jun, '20
JessicaYes! I came on here specifically to ask for this. I'd love to be able to organize stories in sub folders by series or put them in the order I want them to appear.
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03 Jul, '21
ShannonThis is so necessary. Some of us have multiple projects we are working on (or SERIES) and a way to organize the projects is critical. It gets SO CROWDED on the home screen with each as a single project!!
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15 Oct, '21
MeganPLEASE. The fact that my files re-organize as I open them is insanely frustrating!! Why can't I sort and order them as I want and put them into files??
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15 Oct, '21
MantaPlease let this feature come before "typewriter sounds". :| I wish I could attach a file to show you just how horrifyingly long my dabble front page is zoomed out to 25%. It''s pretty bad.
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08 Nov, '21
echoPlease, I beg of you. As a full-time writer, I need better home page organization.
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25 Jan, '22
Stephanie FoxeI also came here to request this! It would be a huge help!
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22 Apr, '22
AmandaYes right now I have 20 projects in my delete because my ADHD brain can't handle having so many on my main page at once. I have 10 projects this year alone Allowing me to group them in a way so I can organize the main page would help alot.
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08 Jun, '22
JoAnn LifshitzTo add music to each chapter. It might further the intererst in the chapter while giving the characters more feeling. The music would just be played in the background, It could be done like the holiday cards where the musice is played when something is pushed and then the music just flows and grabs your feelings.
10 Jul, '22
Nicole K.Just came here to add my voice to get this feature. Home page is looking really busy and it gets overwhelming and feels inefficient.
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20 Aug, '22
SkyeI would almost kill for this feature lmao. I've resorted to putting things that are strongly "not now" into the trashcan to get them off of my front page. I would desperately like to be able to organize them into some semblance of order and reduce the clutter because man it's annoying to have an Idea for something at the bottom and have to just accept that it's going to sit at the top even though it's not what I'm working on until I've opened enough other projects to bury it again.
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04 Sep, '22
ScottThis is definitely good idea for grouping books in a series or genre, fiction and nonfiction, or single author/co-authored books. Since Dabble is the best online writing app (IMO), more serious authors are going to want to use it, but we have to stay organized. Creating sections and a way to order books in a specific way would be helpful, too! Thank you, Dabble Team!
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06 Oct, '22
KamiYES!!! This is the same suggestion I was going to make. I have a lot of projects and it would be nice to be able to put old projects in a folder and just view the ones that I am currently working on. Please, please, please make this happen! Thank you so much, Dabble Team!!!
14 Apr, '23
AndiWhy is this not a higher priority? There are other services that offer this and after over a year with Dabble I'm about ready to switch. It's not a huge thing to ask to be able to organize our projects. Since most of us work on more than one at a time.
01 Jul, '23
MichaelTo organize series / multiple versions of the same book.
16 Nov, '23
ErikaI also was going to submit this. I want to be able to group a series of novels together. I also eventually want to import my short stories and organize them around into different 'collections' and folders on the main page would help with that!
12 Jan, '24
Lorii MergedWhen you write an interconnected series but several different projects in the same world. it would be nice to have a way to link them so it can be more organized and less scattered. It will be easily accessible to find the notes and quirks of another place around their world. This feature will be great for Fantasy and Sci-Fi writers.
16 Jan, '24
Alicia Wilkerson Admin"Project Organization" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Jan, '24
Lisa ClinePretty Please!! This is really the only feature I would love to see happen. Because I like to start fresh with each edit of each story, and work on multiple stories, I have way to many books to scroll through on the main page.