Link Characters to Scenes
This could be an awesome feature for when you introduce a character to your reader or main characters!
Comments: 12
31 Dec, '17
Chet SandbergThis is necessary. As it is, I'm using a totally separate plot-line JUST to title them with the POV character so I'm reminded in each chapter and so I can see when doing plot overview where the POV shifts are.
07 Mar, '19
Gravity SeekerI agree with you, Tori. I think this is very necessary for a good novel.
30 Mar, '20
TracyAnother writer software I've used is yWriter and this is a feature it has. It's very handy when you want to see where you characters are at. They also do this with location and tools (like weapons I suppose).
04 Nov, '20
RodneyAs I see it, there are two features here. Tagging characters to a scene and being able to identify the POV. Both are critical, and creating a plotline for POV is a hassle. As Tracy pointed out, being able to associate locations with a scene is also extremely important. Again I've tried to do this in the plotline feature but it's not the optimal solution
22 Oct, '21
MayaThis would be such a great tool for editing and revisions!
25 Mar, '22
MacKenzieAgreeing with Rodney—and everyone. Tagging is an important feature to track any number of categories—character, point of view, setting, theme, status.... I am really enjoying the cleanness of Dabble, but I'm not sure I can do without tags.
30 Dec, '22
PreciousIn the draft, it is great to have a link for every character name to a folder that the editor might need to look at while reading the draft of the book.
05 Jun, '23
Joshua HailpernIt is a two way experience too.. while writing being able to see key characters, objects highlighted and brought into the writing experience, then when looking at the character itself, seeing how/where it is referenced.
28 Sep, '23
DavidPapyrus Author has this feature, and it's excellent. Not only link a character (or location) sheet to a scene, but highlight and create a character/location sheet if desired.
26 Oct, '23
TimI feel that linking characters to every scene in which they appear would be a HUGE bonus, and in my opinion, it is very much needed.
26 Jul, '24
ClareI came here to say this. I'd like to be able to add characters to scenes in my plot and MS so that I can click on their name and it'll take me straight to their info.
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27 Nov, '24
GreerPlottr has a similar feature where you can tag items, characters, setting, ideas, etc, and then apply them to scenes. Then you can filter the timelines and scenes for these specific things, and also keep track of item/character/setting/idea changes (like clothing and destruction of setting for ex) to keep track of those things. This would be amazing here, as Plottr is a little dated/clunky to use and Dabble’s setup is so clean and sleek. I am very interested in Dabble for that reason, but I don’t love having to use both to keep track of those things, so I’d love this feature! Thank you!