Our customers made these suggestions for improving Dabble. Suggestions for improving Dabble.
Gifting subscriptions
I have many friends in my writing circles who could greatly benefit from Dabble, but do not currently have it in their budgets to pay for a subscription of their own. ...
Update Information
Every time that Dabble receives an update, the user would like the option to click and see what's new. After all, they are paying monthly and look forward to learning ...
Delete Account
I know we can delete our projects and then stop payment but would also like a delete account button so my account is taken down completely.
Allow an account to be temporarily paused.
I recently unsubscribed. I would have never unsubscribed it there was a way to pause my account. This would be good for those of us who work only one project at a ...
email renewal notice
I know this is more on the billing side but an email reminder the renewal is coming up in like a week or two before hand would be super helpful. Thank you!
One Time Payment Option
I understand why you guys want to have a monthly payment, but some people can't afford to pay monthly. And some prefer to just pay for something one time. And if ...
more text editing abilities and a free account option with limited features
title explains it all
Host Subscription
This might double as marketing. If I could convince a client to put their document into a Dabble format using my subscription as a "host," it might introduce them to ...