Log of "Seen" Quotes

3 votes

An "achievement" section of Dabble that will list all the inspirational Dabble quotes that you've currently seen doubling as a spot you can go back and view them. Some of the quotes are amazing and I love logging in each day and seeing whatever it is. Sometimes I get distracted and someone interrupts me from reading my quote, though, and then I'm rattled. I'd love to be able to go back and catch the full quote, as well as reread other amazing ones. Furthermore, making it an "achievement" style feature would inspire competitive writers to log on to try to find another elusive quote (they would get rewarded for X amount of seen quotes, various levels, various rewards) and if they're already logged in for the quote, there's a strong chance they'll stay to write as well.

I'm not sure if this is a feature already (it's hard to "search" for Dabble features because it hasn't 'popped off' yet in search engines), so I apologize if this repeats or is irrelevant!

Under consideration User Interface Suggested by: Faith Upvoted: 25 Jan, '22 Comments: 0

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