Adding special type of plotline restricted to element titles from a chosen Story Notes folder

2 votes

Manually typing-in values into the Plot Line column is tedious, error-prone and not easy to update. I would suggest that Dabble allows us to add a plotline based upon a folder within the Notes section..

Hard to describe, an example might be better:

Under "Story Notes" I have a folder called "Locations", which contains a few notes; each is a different location in my story.

When adding a new plot line it would be great if there was an option to allow me to specify that values would only come from a particular folder in the project.

So in this example I would click "New Plot Line" -> "Locations".

That way, when looking at the plot screen, I would see the column automatically labelled "Locations".

However, this could then be extended:

On the plot screen, when I want to add to the "Locations" column, I get a dropdown of all the titles from that folder - and nothing else.

The current way is pretty user unfriendly, having to manually type things in over and over again.

Under consideration Organization Suggested by: Mark Upvoted: 23 Oct, '23 Comments: 0

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