Text Rules & Warnings (like Spell Check +)

8 votes

It'd be awesome to set up rules for your text (likely for the entire project, possibly just for certain scenes/chapters) to essentially add to your spell check.

If you're creating a species or pronoun like a group of people called Activists, technically "activists" is a valid word, but you want to make sure every use of yours has a capital "A" for consistency in this world.

Another example is if you want to make sure you write a name as hyphenated like "Anne-Marie", etc.

Implementation details:
- It should probably flash a warning or auto-correct instead of enforcing it (or maybe that's a setting on your rules, whether to warn or to enforce). That way, if you want to say "The Activists are activists", it's still valid.

Under consideration Suggested by: Emily Upvoted: 03 Nov, '22 Comments: 0

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